
Our Mission

At Mesa Medical Health & Wellness, we are committed to empowering individuals to achieve and maintain optimal health through personalized and evidence-based approaches. We believe in a holistic model of care that encompasses physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Holistic Approach

Our holistic approach to health and wellness considers the individuality of each person. From personalized nutrition plans and fitness programs to stress management and mindfulness, we provide comprehensive solutions to support your overall well-being.
Women with different body types | Mesa Medical Health & Wellness | St. George, UT


About the Founders

Ty And Holly | Founder | Mesa Medical Health & Wellness | St. George, UT

Ty and Holly

fitness and wellness

The founders Ty and Holly Haguewood have spent their life involved in fitness and wellness. They are both former Division 1 athletes and love staying active with outdoor activities. Holly coaches track and Ty baseball at the local high school. Three years ago, Ty was diagnosed with CardioMyopathy, a heart failure, and since that time they have both worked very hard to maintain his health. In 2023 they opened Mesa Medical and have loved serving individuals in their journey to health and success.

Team Members

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